Collection: February Birthstones

Welcome to Walters Wish and our February Birthstone Collection.

In this collection we're celebrating people born in the month of February. But hey - this collection isn't just for the February-born - Gemstones know no boundaries and our selection for february resonates with love, warmth and vitality that anyone can treasure.

We've handcrafted a radiant collection featuring a range of serene and powerful gemstones.

From the tranquility of Apatite, the peace-bringing Amethyst, and the stimulating Carnelian, to the revitalizing Citrine and the harmonious Jade. Also featured are the exotic Karen Hill Silver, the wisdom-rich Lapis, and finally the vibrant Peridot. Happy shopping and make Walters Wish come true

"Pawsome Impact: Your Contribution to Pug Welfare"

Each bead of these elegant bracelets and necklaces has been strung with love, carrying the wish from our beloved Walter – health, happiness and forever homes for all Pugs. Remember, every purchase you make not only gets you a beautiful piece of handcrafted gemstone jewelry but also contributes to a worthy cause.

So go ahead, find the gemstone that sings to your soul - be it in hues of calming blues, regal purples, fiery oranges or vibrant greens. Indulge in our gem-infused creations and wear your affection for Pugs proudly, because in our world, we believe in giving back the love our furry companions shower us with! Spread the love - for yourself and for the pugs.

Thank you for making Walters' wishes come true. Stay shiny, stay beautiful!